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A collection of ten A2 images printed on canvas. 

The images represent the ten months from diagnosis to completion of treatment. Each image is a word cloud created using all the words taken from the online blog and an image taken in that month. The word clouds were then manipulated in photoshop to create the final look and feel of the piece. The larger the word in the image, the more often it appeared in the blog that month. The pastel colours chosen to present the word clouds represent a rainbow. Even though there were many dark moments during these ten months, there were also moments of joy and relief. It really is a rollercoaster of emotions. 

By standing further away from the image, the face is easier to see. By standing closer to the image, the words are easier to see. This juxtaposition represents the contrast between having to put on a brave face to the outside world, and the real truths which are there to be seen if you look hard enough for them. 

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